Príslušenstvo debnenia

Vlhkovzdorné vrstvy. Hydroizolácia pre spojovacie body debnenia a ložiská

Príslušenstvo debnenia
  • Vlhkovzdorné vrstvy
  • STOPPER - Vodotesná ochrana pre plastové a vláknocementové diaľkové rúry
  • STOPPER Screw - Skrutkové vnútorné tesnenie pre body viazania debnenia
  • Vzdialenostné trubice STOPPER - Tlaková vodotesná plastová vzdialenostná trubica
  • ActiveRings + RONDO MINI  -Hydroizolácia pre plastové a vláknocementové diaľkové rúry
  • Zvuková izolácia proti nárazom + vlnité ložiská

Hydroizolácia pre plastové a vláknocementové diaľkové rúry

V betónovom debnení. ∎ Vo vnútornom priestore budovy utesnenie dištančných rúrok pomocou Active Ring alebo Rondo Mini. ∎ Vo von...

Zvuková izolácia proti nárazom + vlnité ložiská

Dosky, pásy a kotúče ako ložiská pre statické zaťaženie so zníženou hlučnosťou....

MURO-Top proti vlhkosti

Bariéra proti vzlínajúcej vlhkosti Výhody: ∎ vyrobené z vysoko odolného materiálu polyolefínu ∎ spoľahlivo a trvalo chránia zák...


Vysokokvalitné lepiace pásky...

What role do formwork accessories play in reinforced concrete construction?

The requirements for water-impermeable concrete structures are regulated by the corresponding DAfStb guideline (WU guideline). In addition to requirements for the concrete structure itself, requirements for the formwork anchors and tensioning points are defined here. The subject of this guideline is the corresponding planning and execution of the structure in order to fulfil the usage properties and usage requirements specified by the client with regard to the sealing function against water.

Where are formwork accessories used?

Wherever formwork is used and braced, these bracing points must be sealed against the ingress of water and/or noise. If necessary, these seals must also fulfil fire protection requirements.

Prefabricated concrete stairs are installed on bearings to provide sound insulation. We also offer these bearings in our programme, as well as wall barriers that protect against rising damp in masonry.

Our adhesive tapes complete the range of accessories.

How are formwork accessories installed?

Our closures for the formwork clamping points can be installed in various ways. The patented STOPPER SCREW system achieves its tightness by screwing the components together.

The STOPPER series is hammered into the clamping point and seals directly.

STOPPER sealing cones are glued into the clamping point with a special concrete adhesive.