Accessories for joint sheet metal

Here you find the accessoires like joint sheet metal angles or joint sheet metal-joint tape connector, as well as our soundproofing joint and the corresponding sound joint tape. Furthermore you find here the mounting brackets and the fixing clips to secure the overlap of the sheets.

Accessories for joint sheet metal

SKU picture Name Description
070224 VB joint sheet metal corner element FB VB joint sheet metal corner element FB Prefabricated angle...
070230 Joint sheet metal/joint tape connector set Joint sheet metal/joint tape connector set passage element of joint sheet metal to joint tape...
070240 MASTER adhesive tape for joint sheet metal MASTER adhesive tape for joint sheet metal adhesive tape to secure the the splicings and the cross points....
070266 Soundproofing joint DSK 24/25 Soundproofing joint DSK 24/25 for wall thickness 24 / 25 cm...
070267 Soundproofing joint DSK 30 Soundproofing joint DSK 30 for wall thickness 30 cm...
070268 Soundproofing joint DSK 35/36.5 Soundproofing joint DSK 35/36.5 wall thickness 36,5 cm...
070269 Sound joint tape DSF Sound joint tape DSF Internal A24 construction joint tape 240mm specially coated on one side...
070270 MASTER joint sheet metal angle 90° MASTER joint sheet metal angle 90° prefabricated angle...
070273 MASTER joint sheet metal corner element FB MASTER joint sheet metal corner element FB with fixing rail...
070275 VB joint sheet metal VB angle 90° VB joint sheet metal VB angle 90° side lenght 25/25 cm...
070410 Fixing clip h=170 mm Fixing clip h=170 mm for securing the element joints...
070411 MASTER joint sheet metal Premium, corner element MASTER joint sheet metal Premium, corner element with fixing rail prefabricated angle element 90 °...
070412 Fixing clip h=100 mm Fixing clip h=100 mm for joint sheet metal h = 80 + 120 mm...
070413 Omega mounting bracket 125 mm Omega mounting bracket 125 mm mounting bracket for joint sheet metal 80 and 120...
070415 Omega mounting bracket 160 mm Omega mounting bracket 160 mm height of160 mm...
070416 MASTER joint sheet metal Premium, corner element MASTER joint sheet metal Premium, corner element with fixing rail Prefabricated angle 2 x 135 ° ...
070421 Omega mounting bracket 161 - 205 mm Omega mounting bracket 161 - 205 mm height 160 - 205 mm...
070422 Omega mounting bracket 206 - 330 mm Omega mounting bracket 206 - 330 mm Mounting bracket for joint sheet metals up to height 206-330 mm...
070650 Upstand element joint sheet metal 150 mm Upstand element joint sheet metal 150 mm Installation aid for joint sheet metal...
070652 Upstand element joint tape 150 mm Upstand element joint tape 150 mm installation aid for joint tape A24 und A32 ...